Dark Avengers: Ms. Marvel

Dark Avengers: Ms MarvelI did this piece for a friend, Dann McN. I was in search of the elusive Vision action figure from the Marvel Universe 3.75″ line. He had an extra Vision figure he didn’t need. So we did a trade at the Long Beach Comic Expo one day show last month. Action figure for a piece of art. He requested Ms Marvel from the Dark Avengers series.

I really like how Marvel is incorporating classic costumes into the current universe. Like this 1970’s Ms. Marvel costume, now worn by the villainous Moonstone posing as Ms. Marvel on Norman “Green Goblin” Osborn’s Avengers team.

And my Vision action figure stands proudly amongst the other Marvel superheroes and villains I’ve collected on the shelf above my drafting table.

Pigma and Sharpie Marker on 6.5″x10″ art board.

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Havok sketchGotta say, I miss this costume Havok originally wore. I think his power signature with the circles play off the black suit in ways that are fun and challenging to draw.

Never understood the head ornamentation. But he made it his.

Havok was a part of my favorite team of X-Men back when I was in high school. The Outback X-Men team was Wolverine, Colossus (stuck in metal form), Havok, Longshot, Dazzler, Psylocke (pre-ninja), Rogue, and (the newly re-powered) Storm.

Maybe I’ll try to draw that team sometime.

See the inked version of Havok on my DeviantArt page and Facebook FanPage.

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Extreme Makeover: Home Edition + Marvel = Dude! That’s MY Art!

Super Heroes #1 variant cover

Super Heroes #1 variant cover

Hello and welcome!

If you watched Extreme Makeover: Home Edition on Sunday, February 21 starring KISS as they joined the EM:HE team to help out the Wagstaff family, then you probably saw the art I created for their son, TJ.

TJ is an aspiring young artist. I was contacted by Marvel Comics to create an original piece of art featuring TJ alongside some of Marvel’s heavy-hitters: Spider-Man, Iron Man, Captain America, and Thor. This piece of original art was for TJ’s room along with lots of other cool Marvel stuff. But the art will also be used as a variant cover to the first issue of Marvel’ new all-ages series, Marvel Adventures Super Heroes coming out in April.

I have been a comic creator for the past 15+ years working for Marvel Comics and DC Comics. I’ve been the artist for such series as Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, Teen Titans, Young Justice, and my creator-owned series WildGuard, to name a few. Most notably, I was the artist that drew the historic and top selling Spider-Man team-up with President Obama that ran in Amazing Spider-Man #583.

I am currently continuing my work with more Spider-Man projects like Spider-Man: Clone Saga and Web of Spider-Man. Read more about my career in the ABOUT section.

You can follow me on Twitter and my Facebook Fanpage to  get updates of my next comic book conventions and store appearances, and the upcoming comic book projects I am working on.

Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to subscribe to the RSS feed for future blog and art posts!

Elektra Commission

Elektra sketchThis is the sketch work I did for an Elektra piece a couple of weeks ago.

This is my first time to draw Elektra. At least, that I can remember. I might’ve done an Elektra head sketch at a convention at some point. But this is the first time I spent hours crafting an Elektra piece.

Check out the inked version on my DeviantArt page.

For commission info and availability email me at mail@wildguard.com.

Four-Teen in “The Art Heist”

Four-Teen in "The Art Heist"

From the WildGuard: Casting Call trade paperback, a Hostess Fruit Pie parody starring WildGuard’s Teri Vaughn.

Teri Vaughn started off as a superhero child star. At a young age, Teri exhibited four separate powers: a super strong, near invulnerable metal form, a malleable mist form, concussive mental force bolts, and laser projection. She began as Four-Powered Girl. Then in her teen years, she took the name Four-Teen. Now she is simply known as Four as she heads up the reality TV superhero team, WildGuard.

Join the WildGuard FanPage on Facebook!

Wildguard, Teri Vaughn: For-Powered Girl, Four-Teen, & Four and Speeding Skull are © and ™ Todd Nauck 2010.

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New Mutants’ Magik

magik.2010-01.sketch.tnThe original New Mutants series is one of my favorite runs in comics. Mainly because I was a teenager when volume 1 was running.

The other day, I spent some time working on this piece featuring Illyana Rasputin, AKA Magik. The Russian girl who can teleport through a hellish dimension called Limbo.

It’s cool to see her back in the current new Mutants series along with almost all the other original New Mutants. I’m more-than-likely going to end up drawing all of these characters at some point. So stay tuned!

See the inked version here on my DeviantArt page and Facebook FanPage.

Dallas Comic Con appearance this weekend.

Cyclops.sketch.card.tnI will be appearing at the Dallas Comic Con this weekend (Sat 1-30 thru Sun 1-31).

I will have original art (including Spider-Man: Clone Saga #1-5 art for the first time) and prints for sale.
I’ll also be doing my convention style commissioned head/bust shots. There is no list to get on at the moment. I tend to draw these on a “first come, first served” basis. So stop by my table early and often!

I’ll also be appearing at Keith’s Comics on Mockingbird in Dallas from 5-7pm on Fri, Jan 29th.

So if you’re in the area, come check out the convention and the in-store.

Hero Initiative Wolverine Charity Sketch

WolverineA Wolverine charity sketch I did at Mid-Ohio Con last fall for the Hero Initiative is up for auction: http://bit.ly/6D9c0P
It’s a large piece, as well. 19″x24″! You can still see the penciled sketch lines under the marker inks.

For more info on Hero Initiative: http://www.facebook.com/search/?q=hero+initiative&init=qui…ck#/group.php?v=info&ref=search&gid=4959677801

And they have other great items up for auction at http://bit.ly/5lewdW