Go, Go, Marvel Girl!

Marvel Girl

Recently, I decided I wanted to draw Jean Grey: Marvel Girl in her 1960’s X-Men costume.

There’s something about costumes from the 1960’s, especially for the ladies. It’s essentially a mini dress, with matching gloves, boots and a mask that almost becomes a headdress.

I like how simple and fun those costumes were. Completely non-functional, sure. But why get into all of that.

This piece was pencilled, then inked with Pigma Micron markers and a new marker I got at San Diego Comic-Con. It’s called an IDenti Pen Dual (with fine and extra fine tips) from Sakura Color Products. A representative came by my table at Artist Alley and gave me a sample. Glad they did. They sold me on this product! I like how the tips take to the paper. Nice, even saturation of ink but very minimal bleeding (if any).

View this piece on my Facebook FanPage and on my DeviantArt page.

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“I’ll Take Alien Symbiotes For $200, Alex.”



Venom… I remember when he first appeared in Amazing Spider-Man. Eddie Brock (the first Venom) had a big toothy grin like some kinda Looney Tunes character.

Then his face evolved developing fangs and a long, slobbery tongue and a penchant for eating brains. Venom then began sporting a huge, unhinged jaw. Made him look much more monstrous. But it made me wonder what happened to Eddie’s face underneath. Did his jaw unhinge? What exactly did this alien symbiote costume do to him?

Guess it would take a scientist to explain.

After years of being one of Spidey’s most insane enemies and a brief stint as a psychopathic, vigiante anti-hero, Eddie Brock died of cancer. The symbiote costume was auctioned off by mobsters and Mac Gargan (formerly the Scorpion) became the new host for Venom.

This suit (under Gargan’s “control”) has been going nuts making Mac a humongous, hulking mass of muscle as Venom or the lithe, slender form as “black costume” Spider-Man for Norman Osborn’s Dark Avengers. I’ve found this new “Mac Gargan” Venom far more insidious and crazy than I think the original “Eddie Brock” Venom ever was.

I have been receiving several requests for Venom sketches at conventions. He’s a really fun character to draw. You can kind of forget about the man underneath (to a degree) and have lots of fun with the different design elements: the monstrous fangs jutting at different sizes and angles, the prehensile tongue, the jagged “Spidey” eyes. I like that he’s so much larger than Spider-Man. I feel it creates a great visual contrast.

So, I was at a convention recently and played around with this piece as a warm up. It gave me a chance to really go crazy with the rendering. I scanned it in a couple of days ago and thought I’d share it with y’all.

Drawn with Sharpie marker on artboard.

See this piece on my Facebook FanPage and my DeviantArt page.

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Cloak and Dagger


Cloak and Dagger by Todd Nauck

When I started collecting comics in 8th grade, Marvel had recently introduced 2 new, unique heroes, Cloak and Dagger. I first encountered these characters in their first mini-series. Tandy Bowen and Tyrone Johnson were teen runaways that met on the streets on NYC. They became friends. They were abducted by drug dealers experimenting a new drug on runaways. Though previous kids died from the drug, Tandy and Ty had latent mutant abilities awakened by the drug.

Ty developed a connection to a dark dimension, contained by his cloak, he could teleport himself and others through. But it gave him a hunger that could only be sated by light that would be stolen from those that entered his cloak.

Tandy gained the ability to project light and throw psionic “light daggers” guided by her will. These daggers can steal vitality of an opponent or have curative effects. As an endless source of light, Tandy could project enough light to stave of Ty’s hunger.

Ty and Tandy began a war against the drug crime trade and an aid to young runaways as Cloak and Dagger.

One of the great things about this mini-series (and beginning of their first regular series) is that this is where I became a fan of artist, Rick Leonardi’s work. Rick has a great sense of form and movement to his figures. His storytelling is strong and exciting. His detail and line work give plenty for the eye to play with. I consider Rick Leonardi one of my biggest influences in my comic book art career.

I recently decided I would try my hand at drawing these 2 classic characters. It’s fun to draw characters I’ve enjoyed reading since I was a kid. As I draw them, it takes back to those memories of first discovering them. I remember getting a big box of Marvel comics each Christmas of my teenage years. My mom would order the pack of 30 Marvel comics from the JCPenny Christmas catalog. I’d spend the next few days devouring those stories. I think that’s how I came across my first issue of Cloak and Dagger.

I love coming across a Cloak and Dagger comic from a bargain bin to help complete my run. It’s a fun treasure hunt to my past.

This piece was drawn with Sharpie markers, Pigma markers, and White-Out on cardboard. View this piece at my Facebook FanPage and DeviantArt page.

Hey! My Wife Can Draw!: A Spider-Man Family Christmas

Spider-Man.09-11So Dawn and I were invited to a Christmas party with a White Elephant gift exchange.¬† We were to make a present (or buy a gift around $20) and anonymously place it under the tree.¬† It’s a gift exchange similar to the Christmas episode from The Office Season 2.

So I decided to draw up a pic of Spider-Man to mat and frame and contribute as my gift.  So on Thanksgiving night, while Dawn and I are watching some TV, I get to work on my art piece.  Dawn is trying to figure out what she should bring as a gift for the gift exchange.

She turns to me and asks for a piece of artboard, a pencil, and some Spider-Man reference.¬† She’s about to throw down her rendition of Spider-Man to mat and frame and give as her gift.¬† We both kicked back on the couch (with ESPN’s World Series of Poker 2009 Day 1 on the TV) and went to work on our masterpieces.¬† Dawn says her artistic skill peaked in 5th grade…¬† Heck!¬† I wasn’t drawing this well in 5th grade!

Dawn Nauck's Spider-Man

Dawn Nauck's Spider-Man

I was really impressed with Dawn’s vision and execution.¬† She had a pose in mind and did a very good job of achieving her goal.¬† There is some nice movement in the gesture.¬† She’s especially proud of how Spidey is pointing his toe.¬† I think the “Ta-DAHHHH!” really speaks to Spider-Man’s quippy personality.

Dawn encouraged me to critique her work.¬† Though she wasn’t willing to make all of the changes I suggested for Spider-Man…¬† (What a prima donna!)

I also suggested some backgrounds to take advantage of some of the negative space.¬† Dawn started rattling off ideas of rainbows and unicorns.¬† Man!¬† I would’ve LOVED to have seen that.¬† But she ran out of time.¬† Maybe in her next drawing of a popular Marvel Superhero?¬† Iron Man?¬† Wolverine?¬† Fisty Claw?

As soon as she creates her next visionary masterpiece, I’ll be sure to post it!

Click on each image to see a larger version.

Hercules! Hercules! Hercules!

hercules.09-11.tnWhen I first started collecting comics in 8th grade, Hercules was a member of the Mighty Avengers at Marvel Comics. I knew who Captain America, Thor, and Iron Man were, sure… But my first thought was, “What’s Hercules doing here?” To my 13 year old mind, he solely belonged in Roman mythology, running around performing tasks. You know, getting golden apples and stuff.

The more I read the Marvel version of this character the more I liked him. He brought his “old skool” Roman way of thinking to present times. He was confounded by our modern marvels. He was always flirting with and wooing the ladies. And the man loved to party, raising his mug of whatever would pass for ambrosia with a hearty cheer or toast to a friend.

I liked how jovial he could be with his fellow teammates at Avengers’ Mansion at one moment. But then he could be as serious as all-get-out when it was time to knock heads with Kang, The Masters of Evil, or whatever menace decided to rear its ugly head.

I’ve been enjoying his adventures as part of the current Mighty Avengers series. But I have been remiss to pick up his adventures when he took over the Hulk’s series turning it into Incredible Hercules. I hear it’s a great read. Time to score some trade paperbacks!

This piece was drawn with pencil and Sharpie markers on cardboard.

View this piece on my DeviantArt page and my Facebook Fanpage!

Iron Fist

IronFist.09-11Power Man and Iron Fist was one of my favorite comics back in high school.

I remember getting the last issue where Iron Fist “died”. Then it was revealed in the Namor series that the real Iron Fist was alive and the one that was killed was some plant-based doppleganger.

My wife, Dawn, nicknames certain superheroes she doesn’t know the name of (usually the action figures at my desk or looking over my shoulder while I read a comic book). She calls Iron Fist “Fisty Claw” or “Dragon Chest”.

I drew this piece with Sharpie markers on cardboard.

Query: What’s Black and Yellow and Weird All Over?

New Mutants: Warlock One of my all-time favorite comic series is The New Mutants, essentially the next generation of X-Men to come. I was in high school when the original series ran. And Warlock was my favorite character. He was weird looking, weird talking, and trying to figure out the world… Kinda like me when I was a teen. Big difference: I just wasn’t a techno-organic alien with the ability to shape shift and siphon off life force energy.
Another cool thing about Warlock was what made him a “mutant”. He came from a race of robot-like beings that valued tyranny, death, and destruction. A newborn Warlock would have to battle and destroy his father, a Magus, for the right to live. Our Warlock was born with the ability to feel love and compassion. Unheard of in his race. He chose to flee his home world which led him to Earth and the New Mutants.

My buddy, Zeb Wells, is writing the newest New Mutant series which reunites most all of the original New Mutants. Now, they are young adults and an official team of X-Men. And Warlock is back! He’s back and looking and talking as weird as he did back in the 80’s.

“Exclamation: Welcome back, SelfFriendWarlock.”

View this piece on my DeviantArt page!

Iron Man + Reese’s + NACS = VEGAS!

Iron Man commission art. From the collection of Jeff Frankenfield.

Iron Man commission art. From the collection of Jeff Frankenfield.

I got a call from Marvel not too long ago. They asked if I was available/interested in drawing some art work for an Iron Man 2 promotion and there is a trip to Las Vegas connected with it.

I, of course, took on the assignment without hesitation. The first iron Man movie is one of my favorite superhero movies to date.

I soon learned more about the project. I’d be drawing two Iron Man scenes in conjunction with Hershey’s (one of him flying and the other a fight scene).

product_logo_reesesI’d incorporate the Reese’s Candy branding somewhere in the scene. These pieces of art will be limited edition prints available at the Hershey’s booth at the NACS Show (National Association of Convenience Stores) in Las Vegas, Oct 20-23. I am being flown out to the NACS convention to appear at the Hershey’s booth (#4247 from 1-3pm on Wed. Oct 21 and Thurs. Oct. 22) to meet attendees and sign the prints.

I’m really happy with the art and how it turned out. I was allowed to pick my art team for this project. For inks, I chose my long-time inker and best pal, Lary Stucker. He hasn’t missed a step since we wrapped up Teen Titans Go and delivered some super sweet Iron Man inks. And for colors, I contacted John Rauch who has colored a number of special projects I’ve drawn for Marvel (2009 SuperBowl ESPN NFL Countdown Show art, Wolverine: Worst Day Ever covers, and the photo booth green screens Marvel sets up at their convention booth).

I’m not allowed to post this new Iron Man 2/Reese’s art yet. But as the release of the movie draws closer, I should be able to put them up for all to see. Until then, if you’re going to be at NACS in Vegas, be sure to stop by Hershey’s booth #4247 and pick up these limited edition prints. And be sure to follow my Twitter feed and Facebook FanPage as I post about the show throughout the week.

Spider-Man Clone Saga on sale today!

Spider-Man Clone Saga #1 page 15 panel 1If you were reading comics in the mid-1990’s…
Whether you loved or hated the original Clone Saga…

When you hit the local comic shop this week, be sure to grab a copy of Spider-Man: Clone Saga #1.

It’s the new mini-series I am drawing. It is written by the original writers of the Clone Saga, Tom Defalco and Howard Mackie
But THIS time they are writing the story the way it was originally pitched!

I’ve been having a blast drawing this series. And my inker, Victor Olazaba, and colorist, Java Tartaglia, are doing some AWESOME work!
They are taking my pencils and bringing the sweetness. I’m really happy to be working with them!

Here’s what our Editor, Ralph Macchio had to say in a recent interview with Newsarama: http://www.newsarama.com/comics/090929-Weekly-Webbing-Clones.html

Spider-Man Clone Saga #1 on sale today!

Spider-Man Clone Saga, Marvel Apes and Mid-Ohio Comic Con

SPIDER-MAN CLONE SAGA #1 cover by Pasqual FerryMy new Marvel mini-series SPIDER-MAN: THE CLONE SAGA #1 (of 6) will be hitting the stands next week. Here’s the solicitation:
Penciled by TODD NAUCK

You’ve been asking for it…and now it’s here: THE CLONE SAGA!!! Marvel’s most controversial event of all time returns with a vengeance, presenting the Clone Saga as it was originally intended to be told! From the minds behind the crossover that changed comics forever and the artist that introduced Spider-Man to President Obama, it’s six issues of twists and turns that will shock fans old and new alike! Be here as Peter Parker’s worst nightmare begins again…now with an ending you have to see to believe!
32 PGS./Rated T+ …$3.99Spider-Man Clone Saga #1
On sale September 30, 2009

Then come to the Mid-Ohio Con October 3-4, 2009.

This is my FIRST Ohio convention! I will have some original art for sale. I’ll also be doing my head/bust convention commissioned art. So be sure to stop by my table and chat.

And don’t forget! MARVEL APES: THE EVOLUTION STARTS HERE TPB comes out tomorrow!

Marvel Apes: The Evolution Starts Here tpb cover by John Watson

COVER BY: John Watson
WRITER: Karl Kesel
Tom Peyer
PENCILS: Chad Wayne Hardin
Todd Nauck
Ramon Bachs
Reilly Brown

INKS: Rob Campanella – A|Jaime Mendoza
COLORED BY: Andrew Crossley|Chris Sotomayor

LETTERED BY: Dave Sharpe

Includes material never before seen in print! Feces front, True Believers, as we travel back to the Monkey-verse with four thrilling tales of bad puns and big guns. First, join the irrepressible Spider-Monkey as he comes to grips with a world too savage for his heroic legacy to allow. But as the Monkey-verse Peter Parker tries to create a better world for all ape-kind, Captain America (the top ape of the ape-verse) ‚Äìstands in his way. Will the webbed wonder survive? Then, when teenager Roy Reyna finds he can transform into the super-powered simian APE X, it’s more fun than a barrel of monkeys‚Ķuntil H.A.M.M.E.R. agents capture him! Plus: in the face of a fate worse than death, the Ape Universe‚Äôs greatest minds and leaders must come together to save their world in a secret council known as ‚Äì the PRIME EIGHT! Watch the undercover action unfold in this never before seen story that could only be called APE-OKOPLIS NOW! And then, it’s the masked (monkey) marvel SPEEDBALL! Bouncing out of the pages of the hit MARVEL APES mini-series‚Äî it’s the masked (monkey) marvel SPEEDBALL! Branded a traitor to the entire Ape Universe, the simian superhero is now exiled, alienated, and alone on a bizarre Planet of Humans! Can this monkey make it in Man‚Äôs World? It won‚Äôt be easy. Collecting MARVEL APES SPECIALS: AMAZING SPIDER-MONKEY, GRUNT LINE, PRIME EIGHT and SPEEDBALL.

Rated T
PRICE: 16.99
IN STORES: September 23, 2009