Todd Nauck Convention Appearances May-July 2011

Hey, friends and fans! Here are the comic conventions I’ll be at in the next few months.

Dallas Comic Con, May 21-22

Phoenix Comic Con, May 26-29

Calgary Comic & Entertainment Expo, June 17-19

San Diego Comic-Con, July 20-24

If you’re near any of these cities, come on by the show and say “Hi!”. I’ll be available to sign your comics and trade paperbacks. I’ll also have original comic art, prints, and sketchbooks for sale. And I will be drawing my convention style commission sketches: single character, headshot, penciled/marker inked on 7″x10″ board (or in your sketchbook/blank comic cover).


Sketch Cards: Polaris & Havok

Another couple of my favorite X-Men: Polaris and Havok. When I started reading X-Men regularly, Havok had just joined the X-Men and Polaris had been possessed by the villain, Malice, and was a member of Mr. Sinister’s Marauders. So, this loving couple wasn’t getting along so well.


They got better.

Sketch Card: Psylocke

Okay. I’m just gonna say it. I prefer British Psylocke over Ninja Psylocke. There. I did it.

Psylocke was a part of my favorite X-Men era, the Australian Outback X-Men. I liked her new armored costume during that time. Just recently learned Art Adams designed that costume.

Now, I’m not against Ninja Psylocke. She’s great in Uncanny X-Force. I just like Betsy Braddock more before she went through the Siege Perilous and came out the other side as a ninja.

And when they brought in Revanche and had this whole “who’s really who” conundrum… Well. I’m still confused. Maybe I was over-thinking it and someone can break it down for me in a few simple sentences. Anyone?

Sketch Card: Blue Beetle

When it comes to Blue Beetle, I’m a Ted Kord fan. Justice League International is my favorite incarnation of the JLA. The Blue Beetle/Booster Gold friendship and scams really made those two characters stand out. I wasn’t too crazy with Ted Kord taking a bullet to the head a few years ago. But since he IS a superhero, I’m just waiting for the day he “comes back to life”.

Sketch Card: Cannonball

Back when I was in high school, my favorite comic books series was New Mutants. I had a mail subscription to the series because we didn’t have a comic shop in my small East Texas town at the time.

Cannonball was a character I could relate to: tall, gangly, goofy looking, unsure of himself, and Southern. I really liked that when he “blasted” into the air he could only fly straight. Turning was his weakness. It was fun to watch this character mature, learn how to control his mutant abilities (i.e. turn!), and grow into a leader. Glad to have him back leading his fellow New Mutants again.

Sketch Card: Iceman

Iceman has to be one of my favorite X-Men. As a kid, I first discovered Iceman on the cartoon, Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends. Once I got into collecting comics, Iceman was a regular in the Defenders comics. But the local grocery store, where I bought my comics off of a spinner rack in the cereal aisle, rarely ordered Defenders comics. So I pretty much missed out on those stories as the series ended shortly after I began collecting comics.

But I remember the day I found X-Factor #3. There he was on the cover along with Cyclops and Angel. I didn’t know who Marvel Girl was at that time since she had already died before I started to read comics and had just recently come back to life. X-Factor was originally a series that reunited the first five X-Men as a team once again. They posed as humans for hire to hunt and eradicate the mutant menace but were actually rescuing mutants and training them to control and use their powers.

I often would buy whichever comic issue interested me at the time, but X-Factor immediately became one of the few books I began reading regularly (along with Uncanny X-Men and Peter Porker the Spectacular Spider-Ham). I became a huge fan of the book when Walt Simonson took over as regular artist. His dynamic storytelling and figure work along with his unique design style easily made him one of my earliest influences.

Sketch Card: Longshot

I remember, back in high school, getting the first 3 issues of the Longshot mini-series from a friend. I read those over and over again blown away by the Art Adams art. But growing up in a small East Texas town, I couldn’t easily or affordably get the last 3 issues to finish the story. So I kind of just forgot about it. I was very glad Marvel put him in the X-Men Annuals, then into the Uncanny X-Men series to get a  monthly dose of a cool character.

Recently, friend and fellow comic artist, Jonboy Meyers, gave me the Longshot hardcover. I love seeing all the thumbnail, prelim, penciled pages and character designs by Art Adams, one of my earliest and biggest influences. Now I know the whole story. Thanks, Jonboy!


Sketch Card: Supergirl

I’ve been getting into drawing sketch cards using Copic and Pigma Micron markers. These cards have been posted on my Facebook Fan Page and Twitpic accounts. Now I will start to post them here. I have about a dozen previously drawn cards to post here and new ones will be posted as well.

First up: Supergirl.

When I first started reading comics, Crisis on Infinite Earths was going down. I had gotten some random issues of that series from a friend in High School. So my first real exposure to Supergirl in the comics was the Death of Supegirl in Crisi on Infinite Earths #7. I kind of got a little confused as they brought her bcak in different ways. But I really liked Peter David’s take on her through the late 1990’s-early 2000’s. And the newest Supergirl series has some great stuff going on as well.